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Thank you very much for purchasing the Healing Crystals complete digital bundle through Difion.com. What you’ve attained is an absolutely complete informational guide to crystals created by the renowned Healing Crystals.com experts, as well as a wonderful feature film.

Watch the Movie
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Included are reference guides that range from what to do with your newly attained Crystals, to creating Crystal Elixirs, to even knowing which crystals are best to enhance your prosperity.

Should you wish to purchase some of Healing Crystal grids, which are available here, we’ve included an introductory instructional video library for every possible grid to help you determine which may be best for your spiritual needs here. (grid purchase not needed to view videos)

When you locate the crystal that’s perfect for you, we would love to rewards you for your purchasing this bundle by giving you the special code HCCRYSTALVISIONS that not only award you 10% off any purchase you make, but will ALSO bundle Crystal Card Deck #1 completely free. If you happen to already own Crystal Card deck #1 please ask for card deck 2 on the comment section of the HC order.

As a bonus to your purchase, we’ve included a complete instructional collection of everything you may possible need to know about Crystals, available here.

And as a Final thank you, we’ve included a downloadable version of the feature film as dubbed or original with subtitles available here

Once again, thank you so much for your investment into the complete and wonderfully interconnected world of crystals and spirituality.

If you have any more specific questions, please respond here. If you wish to contact Healing Crystals, feel free to contact them at http://www.healingcrystals.com/contact_us.php  If you wish to reach out to the Director and Producers of the Crystal Visions film to simply talk Crystals, feel free to reach them at info@crystalvisions-film.com

With best wishes from our entire Team!