The Crystal Movie - Chapters

The Crystal Movie is made of 18 chapters. 3 of them are free to watch below.
The “Bonus Package” includes tons of extra bonus materials including instructional videos and PDFs.

Chapter 1

The Story begins

Chapter 4

The Origin of Gemstones

Chapter 7

Modern Crystal Healing

Chapter 10


Chapter 13

Biofeedback Measurements

Chapter 16

Gems and Awareness

Crystal Movie Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Man and Gemstones

Chapter 5
Treasure Hunting

Chapter 8

Multiple Bodies

Chapter 11

Crystal Grids and Devices

Chapter 14

Magnetic Field Measurements

Chapter 17

Crystals as Life Forms

Chapter 3

Renaissance of the Stones

Chapter 6

In the Workshop

Chapter 9

Effect and Experiences

Chapter 12

Vogel-Cut Crystals

Chapter 15
Scientific approaches

Chapter 18

Earth Keeper Crystals